Business Person of the Year Award

2025 Business Excellence Awards | Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce


Presented to an individual in an ownership or management position who exemplifies visionary business management, proactive employee and customer relations, a commitment to strengthening diversity and inclusion, and a dedication to community service.


Must be a member in good standing with the Thunder Bay Chamber of Commerce.

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Criterion Weight
Describe how you exemplify visionary business management. 20.0%
Describe how you provide leadership to your employees, colleagues, partners or clients. What proactive approaches do you take to inspire, mentor, and/or nurture a new emerging leader for the future? 20.0%
What new initiatives or unique approaches have you taken for growth, innovation or positive change to your business? 20.0%
What steps have you taken to strengthen diversity and inclusion in your organization and the community at large? 20.0%
Outline your involvement in organizations, charities or boards that work to make Thunder Bay a better place. 20.0%